Monday, November 17, 2008

Paternity Fraud

I came across an article entitled "Paternity Fraud" that was originally published on the website on February 18, 2006 that I think is still pertinent today.

It discusses the antiquated laws and rule applications regarding paternity or the lack thereof. One of the documented stories is about a gentleman from Maine named Geoffrey Fisher who on the one hand was judged liable for $10,000 in child support and lost his driver's license even though it was the state that established that he was "NOT" the biological father of a three year old girl.

The article warned that in their sampling up to 30% of those named as fathers were not the biological fathers and the incentive for their being named was their ability to pay child support. The problem was pervasive enough that New Hampshire as well as Califoria were conducting studies of this problem and Florida was going to enact new laws to protect men and allowing them the right to contest the paternity accusation.

I think that mandatory testing would establish all the necessary parties and afford the safeguards for not only those involved but for innocents who by circumstances could become involved in an unnecessary nightmare.

If you would like to read the original article, the url appears below.

To the author, please accept my apologies but I could not find your name to provide the appropriate credit.

Be safe not sorry!

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