Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Different Perspective

I know this is a serious subject but if you look at it from a different perspective you can find some interesting takes on this subject. I was doing some research and came across a posting by Kat Wilder that wa spretty interesting. I thought you might find it interesting so I am including the link and hope you will take a look (

I never realized that the question "who's my dad?" has so many meanings.

Well I've got to go but I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Going to the Well Again and Again

After watching a number of episodes of these daytime talk shows that have paternity as the primary topic, the one issue that continuously stuns me is the number of women who will have multiple children with a man who already denies a child. Some of these women have two and three children and the men make some excuse for not being responsible for any of the children. What could these ladies be thinking? Could they really believe that maybe the next child will wake her mate up? I recognize that these men are irresponsible and there is no excuse for their behavior but what about these women? Aren't they just as if not more irresponsible because they already know how this story is going to play out yet they insist on having another child with these men? I recognize that one child could be the result of an indiscretion but multiple children is the result of a lack of responsibility and accountability.

You would hope that we as humans would have evolved past this type of animalistic behavior and use some sort of discretion when we decide to embark on a sexual encounter but it seems that our society is still to selfish and reckless to consider the consequences of our actions.

Maybe some day we will look at the consequences of our actions beyond the tips of our noses.

Thanks and have a great day!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Paternity Fraud

I came across an article entitled "Paternity Fraud" that was originally published on the website on February 18, 2006 that I think is still pertinent today.

It discusses the antiquated laws and rule applications regarding paternity or the lack thereof. One of the documented stories is about a gentleman from Maine named Geoffrey Fisher who on the one hand was judged liable for $10,000 in child support and lost his driver's license even though it was the state that established that he was "NOT" the biological father of a three year old girl.

The article warned that in their sampling up to 30% of those named as fathers were not the biological fathers and the incentive for their being named was their ability to pay child support. The problem was pervasive enough that New Hampshire as well as Califoria were conducting studies of this problem and Florida was going to enact new laws to protect men and allowing them the right to contest the paternity accusation.

I think that mandatory testing would establish all the necessary parties and afford the safeguards for not only those involved but for innocents who by circumstances could become involved in an unnecessary nightmare.

If you would like to read the original article, the url appears below.

To the author, please accept my apologies but I could not find your name to provide the appropriate credit.

Be safe not sorry!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pick a Dad

Hi guys,

I apologize for not posting, I was ill last week but that doesn't mean I haven't been researching.

Last week, I was watching a two part episode on one of the daytime talk shows which aired on WPIX out of New York. And they always have basically the same types of stories but the one's that touch me tend to be about older children or adults who find out that they have been duped and that their dad may not be their biological father. It has been heartbreaking at times to see the desperation that these people have because they desire their father so much. What is more heartbreaking is the reaction when the person that they have grown to love is not their father.

In the segment that I watched their was a girl named Kristina whose mother told her at the age of 10 that her dad might not be her father and then her mom left her family to be with another man named Mark. The mother, Mary, contended that Mark was Kristina's real father. Kristina stayed with the first man and the rest of her family. Now at the age of 18 Kristina wanted to know the truth so they took a paternity test. It turned out that Mark was NOT her father. So much for her mother's intuition. Kristina looked so betrayed and her mom could only ramble that "I've gotta go, I've gotta go". The pain on this girl's face and the tears running down her cheeks onl made you want to shake the mother and say "HOW COULD YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE!"

One of my initial entries on this blog introduce a thought that maybe we should have madatory paternity testing to try and establish rights and responsibilities at the beginning and to avoid sorting these issues after these people have become so emotionally invested. At the time it was just an idea but the more I see of this situation the more I think it is not such a radical concept.

I hope that Kristina finds peace with her situation.

Talk to you again real soon!