Monday, November 24, 2008

Going to the Well Again and Again

After watching a number of episodes of these daytime talk shows that have paternity as the primary topic, the one issue that continuously stuns me is the number of women who will have multiple children with a man who already denies a child. Some of these women have two and three children and the men make some excuse for not being responsible for any of the children. What could these ladies be thinking? Could they really believe that maybe the next child will wake her mate up? I recognize that these men are irresponsible and there is no excuse for their behavior but what about these women? Aren't they just as if not more irresponsible because they already know how this story is going to play out yet they insist on having another child with these men? I recognize that one child could be the result of an indiscretion but multiple children is the result of a lack of responsibility and accountability.

You would hope that we as humans would have evolved past this type of animalistic behavior and use some sort of discretion when we decide to embark on a sexual encounter but it seems that our society is still to selfish and reckless to consider the consequences of our actions.

Maybe some day we will look at the consequences of our actions beyond the tips of our noses.

Thanks and have a great day!

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