Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hey Casey, "Who's the Dad?"

I'm not sure how many of you have followed the Casey Anthony saga but she is the mother of a three year old girl, Caylee, who had been missing for six months. She made no attempt to provide useful information to aid the police as they looked for her child. Recently the worst possible outcome came to pass and the little girls remains were found. Miss Anthony has exhibited a penchant for lying and did so at every opportunity during the search. Needless to say but she has been charged with the child's murder. But what really sparked an emotion was the reaction of her former fiance, Jesse Grund. He had originally been told that he was Caylee's father but once again that was another of Casey's fabrications. Both he and his family had become attached to the little girl only to be discarded like the trash when it became an inconvenient arrangement for Casey. Thank god that he took a DNA test to be sure that he was not the biological father but here was a man that was there from the beginning and was grieving like any father.

I have one request Casey, please tell the truth about who the real father is so that he can have the opportunity to say "goodbye".

Thanks all and have a great holiday!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You are NOT the Father!

"You are NOT the Father!" It is amazing the reaction that these few words can elicit. For some men the obvious reaction is joy and relief but for some it is extreme sadness, disappointment and pain. In some cases, the disappointment is not with the man but with his family members who were absolutely sure he was the father but that is not the case. Sometimes I think the most premature question is " what will you do if this is NOT your child?". How can you be expected to answer such a question when many times these men are hearing that there is a problem for the first time and haven't even had time to absorb the consequences. I think the worst situation is when people have had time to bond with the child and then learn that they have been duped or betrayed. No one ever seems to think about those people.

The pain of these people is deep and effects them mentally and physically. I know that I beat the drum for mandatory DNA testing but isn't it better for these people to know the truth at the beginning so they are aware of the situation they are getting into or is it better to wait and create a convoluted situation?

I prefer to get the pain out of the way and then make a decision. What do you think?

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We're of Like Mind!

I read a blog today that expresses exactly how I feel. I was glad to see that the frustration and amazement that I feel for this subject was not only mine. I understand how the author felt and I can relate to how dirty you feel after watching such a display of stupidity.

The url for this blog is http://kittyscattitude.spaces.live.com/?_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart&partqs=cat%3DWho's%2BMy%2BBaby's%2BDaddy%253f . I recommend that you take a moment to read it. I was especially glad that it was written by a woman because it takes the argument about gender bias out of the equation.

Some people are just dumb and selfish but it is a shame that these qualities combine to hurt someone so new to the world, the child.

Maybe we should issue a test or license for people to be able to have children, we do that for people who want to be able to drive. Would that be a trip?

I hope the children learn from the stupidity of their mother's and go on to be better people.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Got To Have Some Fun Sometimes

Personally, I view this as a serious issue but I found this skit and I found it amusing and I hope you do also.



Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Different Perspective

I know this is a serious subject but if you look at it from a different perspective you can find some interesting takes on this subject. I was doing some research and came across a posting by Kat Wilder that wa spretty interesting. I thought you might find it interesting so I am including the link and hope you will take a look ( http://blogs.marinij.com/katwilder/2008/06/whos_your_daddy_1.html)

I never realized that the question "who's my dad?" has so many meanings.

Well I've got to go but I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Going to the Well Again and Again

After watching a number of episodes of these daytime talk shows that have paternity as the primary topic, the one issue that continuously stuns me is the number of women who will have multiple children with a man who already denies a child. Some of these women have two and three children and the men make some excuse for not being responsible for any of the children. What could these ladies be thinking? Could they really believe that maybe the next child will wake her mate up? I recognize that these men are irresponsible and there is no excuse for their behavior but what about these women? Aren't they just as if not more irresponsible because they already know how this story is going to play out yet they insist on having another child with these men? I recognize that one child could be the result of an indiscretion but multiple children is the result of a lack of responsibility and accountability.

You would hope that we as humans would have evolved past this type of animalistic behavior and use some sort of discretion when we decide to embark on a sexual encounter but it seems that our society is still to selfish and reckless to consider the consequences of our actions.

Maybe some day we will look at the consequences of our actions beyond the tips of our noses.

Thanks and have a great day!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Paternity Fraud

I came across an article entitled "Paternity Fraud" that was originally published on the WorldNetDaily.com website on February 18, 2006 that I think is still pertinent today.

It discusses the antiquated laws and rule applications regarding paternity or the lack thereof. One of the documented stories is about a gentleman from Maine named Geoffrey Fisher who on the one hand was judged liable for $10,000 in child support and lost his driver's license even though it was the state that established that he was "NOT" the biological father of a three year old girl.

The article warned that in their sampling up to 30% of those named as fathers were not the biological fathers and the incentive for their being named was their ability to pay child support. The problem was pervasive enough that New Hampshire as well as Califoria were conducting studies of this problem and Florida was going to enact new laws to protect men and allowing them the right to contest the paternity accusation.

I think that mandatory testing would establish all the necessary parties and afford the safeguards for not only those involved but for innocents who by circumstances could become involved in an unnecessary nightmare.

If you would like to read the original article, the url appears below.


To the author, please accept my apologies but I could not find your name to provide the appropriate credit.

Be safe not sorry!